Do You Suffer From Migraines In Bellevue TN?

Through our partners at Dixon Center for Integrative Care and our holistic wellness practitioner, we are able to offer a myriad of approaches to chronic migraine relief in our non-narcotic Bellevue TN urgent care office to help patients get back to a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. The other modalities patients use include but are not limited to, ergonomic consideration, cervical manipulation, occlusal adjustment, allergy testing, diet planning, as well as prescription medication intervention.
Tx360 Treatment
The main nerve responsible for headaches is the trigeminal nerve. Linked to the trigeminal, the Sphenopalatine Ganglion (SPG) nerves are located behind the nose. The SPG transfers information about sensation, including pain, and also plays a role in autonomic functions, such as tearing and nasal congestion 1. This new treatment targets those nerves, through the nasal application, to alleviate and relieve the symptoms of headache. These types of pain blockers began to surface in the 1900s and have since found great application in a myriad of fashions across medical practices.
What To Expect In Bellevue TN
The Marcaine medication used in the Tx360 treatment may cause a temporary sensation of numbness in the face including the eye(s), nose, cheek(s), and throat. The medication may have a bitter taste, but we will provide a mint, candy, or Listerine strip to alleviate any unpleasant taste that is experienced. Nasal passage irritation or nosebleed can occur after the procedure.
How It Works
It involves a small device that is inserted through the nostril to deliver a numbing medication to the cluster of nerves at the back of your nasal passage where your pain originates.
A typical course of treatment is twice a week for 5 weeks with the goal of reducing the number of headaches per month and their severity. This approach may also be used to treat migraine as a 1-time treatment for severe migraine pain. The procedure is performed in both nostrils using a latex-free device.
Treatment Choice
Discuss this treatment, along with others, with your provider to make sure this plan of care is right for your individual needs. Patients suffering from chronic congestion, nosebleeds, bleeding disorders, neoplasm (angiofibroma, sinus tumor, granuloma), and nasal septal deformity may not be the best candidates for the treatment and may consider other approaches to migraine relief.
Toradol/Zofran/ Oxygen Treatment
This approach to migraine relief is a parenteral (not taken orally to absorb through the digestive tract) treatment that is sometimes applied to abort severe migraines, and have a rapid onset of relieving symptoms. This plan of care works with the body for approximately six hours and rebound headaches are unlikely. We offer a myriad of approaches in our non-narcotic office to help patients get back to a healthy, pain-free lifestyle.
Tailored Programs for Chronic Migraine
We offer a myriad of treatments for migraines. From a more holistic approach to Western medical intervention, we can help relieve your pain and get you feeling better.
New technologies can be used individually or partnered with more traditional non-invasive care; we can help to find a treatment plan that works within your comfort zone.
There are a variety of types of headaches including tension, migraine, cluster, TMJ, neck, digestive, stress/anxiety, and sinus headaches. We can help you get to the bottom of your pain and not only treat your symptoms but alleviate the initial cause of what is ailing you.
Contact Harpeth Valley Health Center today to start getting relief from headaches and migraines.
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Harpeth Valley Health Center
213 Old Hickory Blvd
Bellevue, TN 37221
P: (615) 646-1003
F: (615) 646-5686